Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Yeah, it's been awhile since I last updated my blog. Looks like I'm not used to it yet -.-" And my life is currently pretty boring for me to update anything interesting BUT there are still those little things in life that I want to share :)

Anyway, since I'm not studying now, I do not have any school related problems like other members from ARM have. HOWEVER, I currently learning how to drive and kinda go to 'school' for the lessons :) So you can say that I'm currently schooling for driving license. So kinda still studying.

First off, I've attended about 13 lessons, and I'm pretty good at driving I must say. Forward only though -.-" They have yet to teach me parking and reversing so I suck at them :(

Although I'm pretty good, I still somehow screw things up one way or the other. Like forgetting to look out for on-coming traffic, or signal my intentions, or my legs just suddenly 'lag', maybe because I'm pretty tall and the information needs some time to go from my brain to my legs -.-" Or simply just going left when my instructor says right or vice versa -.-" Yeah, driving is pretty tough if you are an idiot -.-"

Another thing though, and it's pretty surprising. Driving actually drains a lot of your stamina and concentration. You can get exhausted from driving, no joke. I once took 2 lessons back to back on the same day, each lasting about 2 hours. By the time I started my second lesson, I'm actually tired and cannot concentrate that well. The instructor told me that driving is mentally strenuous, and you actually don't realize it yourself. All you know is that suddenly, you can't seem to concentrate anymore. Scary huh? -.-"

Anyway, even though all the hiccups, my driving lessons are proceeding pretty smoothly. I wish to get my driving lessons soon so I can drive around and have ladies' falling for me ;)

Ok, the latter part is a joke. Please ignore it -.-" Cause I'm already attractive enough XD

This is the end of my post. Till next time :) Provided I don't crash in some freak accident -.-"


  1. lolz Yeah, driving is draining for sure. Gotta watch out for all the nutjobs out there on the road.

    Good luck with that.

  2. Yeah, especially pedestrians, they are MAJOR ROAD HAZARD!!! In singapore, it's pretty difficult to meet driving nutcase. I mean, you stop before a traffic light on a straight road and what do you see? The next 3 sets of traffic lights -.-"
